My Worst Driving Experience

Yesterday, I got my worst driving experience ever.

My father asked me to drive him to our farm to check an animal. He asked me if I could drive rough roads, I told him I can. While driving, he told me that we'd pass by the mountainous portion of the barangay (greater than a village) where we live. In all confidence, I climb the car at 4th gear, then changed to 3rd gear, then to 2nd gear, and finally 1st gear. Because the slopy road was too rough, I had to carefully choose paths but the car shoot at one shallow hole. So, I moved the car back to a better road not using the rear gear, just at the neutral state and the break. Unfortunately, the car moved all the way down. All the breaks were full already but it still did not stop. Papang told me to turn to 1st gear, I did; still it did not stop. Down the road were other multicabs and bystanders. Papang manuevered the steering wheel for me (I called the name of Jesus to protect us and the people around from danger). He chose to bump the car before a barrier to stop it. People around came near us. There were drivers, too, and the bystanders. They asked us what happened. We explained. I guess there there 9 men who came nearer, the rest stayed at a distance. These men offered help. They lifted the car because it hanged already by the barrier through the deferential. We realized that if the car still did not stop despite the barrier, we could have swift sideways by it, and that would for the greatest danger for us.

God saved us! Papang heard me prayed, he said. I did not panic, instead I prayed. He did not panic, too, he told me he prayed, too, while manuevering the steering wheel.

Truly, I owe God my life. We owe God our lives.

Praise Him all the earth!


  1. OMG...thanks be to GOD....
    Next time pls think lots of times before doing it...don't be too confident if it's something like this :)

  2. lagi te ket.. I really learned a lot from this experience gyud.


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